5 КМ Ж |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Борисенко Дарина | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 2010 | Confirmed |
Out of contest, other age |
2 | | Миронова Татьяна | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1987 | Processing |
5 КМ М |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Великоцкий Георгий | 77_Moskva, personal | none | 1984 | Confirmed |
2 | | Ружечко Александр | 23_Anapskij rajon, personal | none | 1961 | Processing |
10 КМ Ж |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Генералова Виктория | 23_СНИКЕРС, Krasnodar | none | 1975 | Confirmed |
2 | | Клепцова Назиля | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 1974 | Confirmed |
3 | | Помаслова Елена | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1996 | Confirmed |
4 | | Пузикова Ольга | 61_Novocherkassk, personal | none | 1976 | Confirmed |
5 | | Русецкая Елизавета | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1992 | Confirmed |
6 | | Савченко Ольга | 26_Ipatovskij rajon, personal | none | 1974 | Confirmed |
7 | | Сафаргалина Ирина | 23_Gelendzhik, personal | none | 1980 | Confirmed |
8 | | Тригубенко Галина | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1981 | Confirmed |
9 | | Ходюкова Евгения | 23_Gelendzhik, personal | none | 1986 | Confirmed |
10 КМ М |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Клепцов Дмитрий | 52_Nizhnij novgorod, personal | none | 1971 | Confirmed |
2 | | Мустафаев Эмиль | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 2007 | Processing |
Out of contest, other age |
3 | | Мустафаев Эмиль | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 2007 | Confirmed |
Out of contest, other age |
4 | | Пузиков Владимир | 61_Novocherkassk, personal | none | 2004 | Confirmed |
5 | | Савченко Евгений | 26_Ipatovskij rajon, personal | none | 1970 | Confirmed |
6 | | Стрелков Антон | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1990 | Processing |
21 КМ Ж |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Odinokova Tatyana | 23_Krasnodarskij kraj, personal | none | 1978 | Processing |
2 | | Бергер Светлана | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1984 | Confirmed |
3 | | Дворник Наталья | 23_Anapskij rajon, personal | none | 1993 | Confirmed |
4 | | Драбчак Натали | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1989 | Confirmed |
5 | | Копчунова Марина | 23_Мы, Gelendzhik | none | 1982 | Confirmed |
6 | | Крейчик Елена | 51_Северное Сияние, Murmansk | none | 1986 | Processing |
7 | | Кулинская Оксана | 81_Lnr goroda, personal | none | 1988 | Confirmed |
8 | | Подорожко Ева | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 2010 | Processing |
Out of contest, other age |
9 | | Терещенко Мария | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1988 | Confirmed |
10 | | Ткаченко Татьяна | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1989 | Confirmed |
11 | | Харченко Екатерина | 92_Champions Factory, Sevastopol gorod | none | 1992 | Confirmed |
12 | | Хахалина Татьяна | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1974 | Processing |
21 КМ М |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Simakov Dmitry | 82_Отдыхай на ногах правильно, Krym goroda | none | 1987 | Confirmed |
2 | | Архангельский Николай | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1979 | Processing |
3 | | Васильев Михаил | 51_Murmansk, personal | none | 1978 | Confirmed |
4 | | Вовченко Михаил | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1983 | Processing |
5 | | Вовченко Михаил | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1983 | Confirmed |
6 | | Курило Александр | 77_district Szao, personal | I | 1966 | Confirmed |
7 | | Макаров Александр | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1987 | Confirmed |
8 | | Марченко Александр | 92_SharunTeam, Sevastopol gorod | none | 2010 | Confirmed |
Out of contest, other age |
9 | | Мустафаев Рустем | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1982 | Processing |
10 | | Мустафаев Рустем | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1982 | Confirmed |
11 | | Науменко Юрий | 23_Krasnodar, personal | none | 1983 | Confirmed |
12 | | Неделько Роман | 36_ProSneg, Voronezh | none | 1983 | Confirmed |
13 | | Николаев Иван | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1982 | Confirmed |
14 | | Пискун Александр | 92_Champions Factory, Sevastopol gorod | none | 1988 | Processing |
15 | | Полетаев Антон | 23_Belorechenskij rajon, personal | none | 1994 | Processing |
16 | | Пузиков Александр | 61_Novocherkassk, personal | none | 1965 | Confirmed |
17 | | Семененко Андрей | 25_Vladivostok, personal | none | 1999 | Confirmed |
18 | | Силаев Роман | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1977 | Confirmed |
19 | | Соловьев Станислав | 23_Krasnodarskij kraj, personal | none | 1987 | Confirmed |
20 | | Сытников Олег | 23_СНИКЕРС, Krasnodar | none | 1967 | Confirmed |
21 | | Турбовец Алексей | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1989 | Confirmed |
22 | | Федоренко Константин | 23_Belorechenskij rajon, personal | none | 1976 | Processing |
23 | | Чиханцов Илья | 82_Simferopol, personal | none | 1984 | Processing |
42 КМ Ж - марафон |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Ахаева Мария | 92_Champions Factory, Sevastopol gorod | none | 1992 | Confirmed |
2 | | Куць Софья | 61_SOCHI SKYRUNNING TEAM, Rostov na donu | none | 1978 | Confirmed |
3 | | Скудлярская Оксана | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1991 | Confirmed |
4 | | Ступель Анастасия | 82_Simferopol, personal | none | 1984 | Processing |
5 | | Ступель Анастасия | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1984 | Confirmed |
6 | | Федорова Инна | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1982 | Confirmed |
7 | | Черемисова Ольга | 82_SharunTeam, Krym goroda | none | 1982 | Confirmed |
42 КМ М - марафон |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Абсалямов Олег | 82_Simferopol, personal | none | 1971 | Confirmed |
2 | | Баула Олег | 61_Taganrog, personal | none | 1975 | Confirmed |
3 | | Бойчевский Лев | 23_Krasnodar, personal | none | 1980 | Confirmed |
4 | | Борисенко Александр | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1983 | Confirmed |
5 | | Виноградов Роман | 10_XIII, Sortavala | none | 1989 | Confirmed |
6 | | Громов Леонид | 92_Sevastopol, personal | КМС | 1990 | Confirmed |
7 | | Иванов Дмитрий | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1990 | Confirmed |
8 | | Иванов Игорь | 82_Simferopol, personal | none | 1983 | Confirmed |
9 | | Исаев Юрий | 23_SOCHI SKYRUNNING TEAM, Sochi | none | 1984 | Confirmed |
10 | | Клочан Денис | 92_Sevastopol gorod, personal | none | 1975 | Confirmed |
11 | | Куць Александр | 61_SOCHI SKYRUNNING TEAM, Rostov na donu | none | 1976 | Confirmed |
12 | | Люлько Олег | 92_Champions Factory, Sevastopol gorod | none | 1979 | Confirmed |
13 | | Макеенко Алексей | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1981 | Processing |
14 | | Марченко Александр | 92_SharunTeam, Sevastopol gorod | none | 1980 | Confirmed |
15 | | Наконечный Алексей | 81_Lnr goroda, personal | none | 1978 | Confirmed |
16 | | Подорожко Артем | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1979 | Processing |
17 | | Санжаривский Олег | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1975 | Confirmed |
18 | | Супиниченко Юрий | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1975 | Confirmed |
19 | | Терехов Андрей | 82_Krym goroda, personal | none | 1981 | Confirmed |
20 | | Хабаров Дмитрий | 82_Republic Krym, personal | none | 1985 | Confirmed |
21 | | Чураков Василий | 59_Lysva, personal | none | 1986 | Confirmed |