МЛАДШАЯ – up to 5 people - в составе команды ребенок 2010 г.р. и младше |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | 1 | | Озерина Маргарита | Verhneuslonskij rajon, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Озёрин Андрей | Verhneuslonskij rajon, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Озёрин Владислав | Verhneuslonskij rajon, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Озерин Родион | Verhneuslonskij rajon, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
2 | 1 | | Харитонова Виктория | Volgogradskaja oblast, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Харитонов Алексей | Volgogradskaja oblast, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Харитонов Мирон | Volgogradskaja oblast, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
3 | 1 | | Айтмухамедов Илья | Kazan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Айтмухамедова Айгуль | Kazan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Айтмухамедов Данила | Kazan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Айтмухамедов Кирилл | Kazan, personal | 2016 | | Pay on the spot |
4 | 1 | | Тимофеев Денис | Kazan, personal | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Тимофеева Елена | Kazan, personal | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Тимофеева Милана | Kazan, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Тимофеев Мирон | Kazan, personal | 2017 | | Pay on the spot |
5 | 1 | | Иванова Виктория | Kazan, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Иванова Алена | Kazan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | 1 | | Архиреева Марина | Russia, personal | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Архиреев Дима | Russia, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Архиреев Илья | Russia, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
7 | 1 | | Сабирзянов Рифат | Russia, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Сабирзянов Тимур | Russia, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Сабирзянов Дамир | Russia, personal | 2019 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Митрофанова Светлана | Russia, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 5 | | Сабирзянов Марат | Russia, personal | 2016 | | Pay on the spot |
8 | 1 | | Бадмацыренов Матвей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Бадмацыренова Людмила | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
9 | 1 | | Бахтиев Камиль | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Бахтиева Чулпан | Republic Tatarstan | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Хисамова Алия | Republic Tatarstan | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
10 | 1 | | Титов Александр | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2012 | | Payment waiting |
| 2 | | Титова Мирослава | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2014 | | Payment waiting |
| 3 | | Титов Сергей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2018 | | Payment waiting |
| 4 | | Титов Владислав | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1986 | | Payment waiting |
| 5 | | Титова Мария | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1987 | | Payment waiting |
11 | 1 | | Купцов Матвей | Republic Tatarstan | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Купцов Илья | Republic Tatarstan | 1977 | | Pay on the spot |
12 | 1 | | Колпащикова Светлана | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Колпащиков Тимур | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
13 | 1 | | Костин Константин | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Старовойтова Елена | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1974 | | Pay on the spot |
14 | 1 | | Миннегулов Марат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Миннегулова Камила | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
15 | 1 | | Герасимов Сергей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Зуйкова Екатерина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
16 | 1 | | Нигмедзянова Лейсана | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Сенников Марат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1974 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Сенникова Вероника | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
17 | 1 | | Позднякова Татьяна | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Позднякова Ева | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
18 | 1 | | Салямов Адель | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2005 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Салямова Лилия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Салямов Амир | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Салямов Руслан | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1978 | | Pay on the spot |
19 | 1 | | Антонова Оксана | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Антонов Тимофей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Антонов Антон | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Антонов Денис | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
20 | 1 | | Новиков Денис | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Новикова Марина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Новиков Никита | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2002 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Новиков Артем | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
21 | 1 | | Аксенов Евгений | Republic Tatarstan | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Аксенова Наталья | Republic Tatarstan | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Аксенова Исида | Republic Tatarstan | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
22 | 1 | | Талаков Анатолий | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Талакова Василиса | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
23 | 1 | | Шемякина Юлия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1976 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Шемякин Егор | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
24 | 1 | | Майсиев Денис | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Майсиева Айгуль | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Майсиева Глория | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Майсиева Стефания | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
| 5 | | Майсиева Даная | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2018 | | Pay on the spot |
25 | 1 | | Синцова Елена | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Синцова Анастасия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Синцова Екатерина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2012 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Синцов Артемий | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2017 | | Pay on the spot |
26 | 1 | | Чернышов Денис | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Чернышова Амелия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Чернышов Андрей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2012 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Порошина Людмила | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
27 | 1 | | Малышева Екатерина | Republic Tatarstan | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Малышев Мирослав | Republic Tatarstan | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
28 | 1 | | Пастухов Артем | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Алиса Пастухова | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
29 | 1 | | Набиуллин Расуль | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2017 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Набиуллин Резеда | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Набиуллина Язиля | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
30 | 1 | | Никоноров Дмитрий | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Никоноров Алексей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2016 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Никонорова Ульяна | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1993 | | Pay on the spot |
31 | 1 | | Малышев Андрей | Republic Tatarstan | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Малышев Ростислав | Republic Tatarstan | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
32 | 1 | | Садыкова Лейсан | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Садыков Тагир | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
33 | 1 | | Камов Сергей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Камова Анастасия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Камов Егор | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2018 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Камова Алиса | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
34 | 1 | | Санталов Александр | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Санталов Михаил | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Гайфуллина Диляра | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
35 | 1 | | Юнусов Аяз | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2012 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Юнусов Радис | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
36 | 1 | | Юнусова Аида | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Юнусова Амелия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
37 | 1 | | Цыганова Татьяна | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Цыганов Дмитрий | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Цыганов Антон | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
38 | 1 | | Галишин Азат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Галишин Камаль | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
39 | 1 | | Заботин Григорий | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Заботин Тимофей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Заботин Кирилл | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Заботина Марина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
40 | 1 | | Клопоух Надежда | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Клопоух Вера | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Клопоух Михаил | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1977 | | Pay on the spot |
41 | 1 | | Фомин Данил | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Фаттахова Альбина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1973 | | Pay on the spot |
42 | 1 | | Косяков Владимир | Republic Tatarstan | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Хамидуллина Айгуль | Republic Tatarstan | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Косякова Алёна | Republic Tatarstan | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
43 | 1 | | Бурунин Владимир | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Бурунин Игорь | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Бурунин Илья | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2012 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Бурунина Вера | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
44 | 1 | | Моисеев Евгений | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Моисеева Анастасия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Моисеев Ярослав | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
45 | 1 | | Шакиров Ринат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Шакирова Руфина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1991 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Шакиров Дамир | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Шакирова Тамила | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2016 | | Pay on the spot |
46 | 1 | | Уразманов Марат | Republic Tatarstan | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Шарипова Альбина | Republic Tatarstan | 2004 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Уразманова Диана | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Уразманова Дарина | Republic Tatarstan | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
47 | 1 | | Калманович Анна | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | 8656071 | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Калманович Владимир | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1971 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Битшева Ирина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1977 | | Pay on the spot |
48 | 1 | | Троицкий Андрей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Троицкая Мария | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Троицкий Лев | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2015 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Троицкий Радим | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2018 | | Pay on the spot |
49 | 1 | | Румянцев Ростислав Ростислав | Republic Tatarstan | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Румянцев Мирослав | Republic Tatarstan | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Румянцева Амелия | Republic Tatarstan | 2011 | | Pay on the spot |
50 | 1 | | Хасиятуллин Дамир | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Тазиева Лейсан | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Ильин Данил | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
51 | 1 | | Закирова Наталья | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 1989 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Закиров Ильнур | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Закирова Рената | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
52 | 1 | | Гуляев Тимофей | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Гуляева Ирина | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Гуляев Александр | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 2013 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Гуляева Анастасия | Udmurtija Republic, personal | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
53 | 1 | | Сидоров Анатолий | Сидоровы | 1959 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Шамсутдинов Артём | Сидоровы | 2012 | | Pay on the spot |
СРЕДНЯЯ – up to 5 people - в составе команды ребенок 2009-2005 г.р |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | 1 | | Горбунов Иван | Kazan, personal | 2005 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Горбунов Дмитрий | Kazan, personal | 1974 | | Pay on the spot |
2 | 1 | | Шевелев Ярослав | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Наширванов Фаргат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
3 | 1 | | Нигаметзянов Адель | Republic Tatarstan | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Нигаметзянов Артур | Republic Tatarstan | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
4 | 1 | | Кукушкин Арсений | Republic Tatarstan | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Кукушкин Олег | Republic Tatarstan | 1965 | | Pay on the spot |
5 | 1 | | Ильясов Тимур | Republic Tatarstan | 2008 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Ильясова Гузель | Republic Tatarstan | 1976 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | 1 | | Савченков Ярослав | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | 8668551 | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Савченкова Елена | Republic Tatarstan | 1987 | | Pay on the spot |
7 | 1 | | Кислякова Алина | Republic Tatarstan | 2005 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Кислякова Лилия | Republic Tatarstan | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Кисляков Фидель | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
8 | 1 | | Садриева Мадина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Фасхутдинова Индира | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
9 | 1 | | Хасанов Эмиль | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Хасанов Ильшат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Губайдуллина Алсу | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
10 | 1 | | Сухановский Сергей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Сухановский Игорь | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
11 | 1 | | Ахметова Римма | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Ахметов Аскар | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2008 | | Pay on the spot |
12 | 1 | | Филимонов Тимур | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Филимонов Евгений | Republic Tatarstan | 1975 | | Pay on the spot |
13 | 1 | | Минулин Булат | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Минулин Ильдар | Republic Tatarstan | 1975 | | Pay on the spot |
14 | 1 | | Галялиев Тигран | Republic Tatarstan | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Галялиева Алина | Republic Tatarstan | 1984 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Галялиева Милана | Republic Tatarstan | 2014 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Галялиев Давид | Republic Tatarstan | 1982 | | Pay on the spot |
15 | 1 | | Воробьев Искандер | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Воробьев Алексей | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1974 | | Pay on the spot |
16 | 1 | | Ардашева Евгения | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Ардашев Александр | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1983 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Ардашева Дарья | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 4 | | Ардашев Тихон | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2012 | | Pay on the spot |
17 | 1 | | Синцов Леонид | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Синцов Александр | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2006 | | Pay on the spot |
18 | 1 | | Набиуллин Равиль | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1978 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Набиуллин Амиль | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2007 | | Pay on the spot |
19 | 1 | | Ахмадиев Амир | Republic Tatarstan | 2006 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Ахмадиев Карим | Republic Tatarstan | 2010 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Ахмадиев Азат | Republic Tatarstan | 1980 | | Pay on the spot |
20 | 1 | | Тахавиев Даниэль | Republic Tatarstan | 2005 | | Payment waiting |
| 2 | | Тахавиев Марат | Republic Tatarstan | 1971 | | Payment waiting |
| 3 | | Шинкевич Татьяна | Republic Tatarstan | 1973 | | Payment waiting |
21 | 1 | | Зиннатуллина Ясмина | Republic Tatarstan | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Зиннатуллина Лилия | Republic Tatarstan | 1985 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Зиннатуллин Тимур | Republic Tatarstan | 1986 | | Pay on the spot |
22 | 1 | | Сабирова Алина | Republic Tatarstan | 1992 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Фирсов Егор | Republic Tatarstan | 2009 | | Pay on the spot |
23 | 1 | | Ахмадуллин Шамиль | Republic Tatarstan | 2005 | 3423 | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Ахмадуллин Расул | Republic Tatarstan | 2004 | 7434 | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Горошкевич Ольга | Republic Tatarstan | 1987 | 0525 | Pay on the spot |
24 | 1 | | Семёнова Владислава | СДиЮТЭ Сов.р-на | 2006 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Куинджи Ангелина | СДиЮТЭ Сов.р-на | 1996 | | Pay on the spot |
25 | 1 | | Симакова Татьяна | СДиЮТЭ Сов.р-на | 1952 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Симакова Стефания | СДиЮТЭ Сов.р-на | 2008 | | Pay on the spot |
26 | 1 | | Сафонов Владислав | СДиЮТЭ Сов.р-на | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Сафонова София | СДиЮТЭ Сов.р-на | 2008 | | Pay on the spot |
СТАРШАЯ – up to 5 people - в составе команды ребенок 2004 г.р. и старше |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Year | Chip | Status |
1 | 1 | | Коновалова Кристина | Kazan, personal | 2000 | 2040886 | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Калинина Вероника | Kazan, personal | 2000 | 1410114 | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Хельдерт Наталья | Kazan, personal | 1973 | | Pay on the spot |
2 | 1 | | Галиева Гузель | Kazan, personal | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Хусаинов Юнус | Kazan, personal | 1950 | | Pay on the spot |
3 | 1 | | Садыков Александр Александр | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1974 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Садыков Данис | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2003 | | Pay on the spot |
4 | 1 | | Тарасова Ангелина | Republic Tatarstan | 2002 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Нуруллин Айрат | Republic Tatarstan | 1973 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Тарасова Лейсан | Republic Tatarstan | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
5 | 1 | | Минулина Регина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2004 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Минулина Ольга | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1979 | | Pay on the spot |
6 | 1 | | Исламова Лилия | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1977 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Исламов Айрат | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1978 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Исламова Альфина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2004 | | Pay on the spot |
7 | 1 | | Воронцов Николай | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1981 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Кирсанова Валентина | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 1988 | | Pay on the spot |
| 3 | | Воронцов Виталий | Republic Tatarstan, personal | 2008 | | Pay on the spot |
8 | 1 | | Залялутдинов Ильгизар | Ежики в тумане | 1964 | | Pay on the spot |
| 2 | | Залялутдинов Азат | Ежики в тумане | 1991 | | Pay on the spot |