List of registered Online participants
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Ж 7-9 (1КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Байдерина Антонина | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Башинская Елизавета | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2011 | Paid |
3 | | Горбатовская Арина | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Марфута Кристина | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Стекачева Виктория | Nizhnij tagil | Iю | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
Ж 10-12 (1КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Байдерина Александра | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Ильина Валерия | ДЮСШ Старт | none | 2007 | Paid |
3 | | Кайгородова Полина | СШ "Юность" | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Клюкина Софья | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2007 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Кошелева Софья | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2006 | Pay on the spot |
Out of contest, other age |
6 | | Редькина Софья | Magnit | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Резвых Анастасия | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Саломатина Елизавета | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2009 | Paid |
9 | | Сулейманова Алина | СШ "Юность" | Iю | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
Ж 18-29 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Горохова Екатерина | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1991 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Комарова Евгения | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1990 | Paid |
3 | | Маркова Наталия | Prigorodnyj rajon, personal | none | 1993 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Пензина Ксения | Nizhnij tagil | МС | 1998 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Фадеева Екатерина | Krasnoturjinsk, personal | I | 1999 | Paid |
Ж 30-39 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Галеева Дарья | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1988 | Paid |
2 | | Гузнаева Ирина | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1982 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Золотова Алена | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Кабицкая Мария | I love Running | none | 1986 | Paid |
5 | | Коваль Юлия | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 1984 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Несмелова Елена | Runtime | none | 1981 | Paid |
7 | | Новикова Татьяна | Verhnjaja salda, personal | none | 1982 | Paid |
8 | | Попова Татьяна | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Потапова Евгения | Ekaterinburg, personal | III | 1987 | Paid |
10 | | Саломатина Наталья | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1980 | Paid |
11 | | Сидорова Ольга | Kushva, personal | none | 1983 | Pay on the spot |
12 | | Ускова Марина | Kushva, personal | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
Ж 40-49 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Воронович Алёна | ШМБ "Урал 100" | none | 1970 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Осетрова Елена | I love Running | none | 1973 | Paid |
3 | | Попова Светлана | Verhnjaja pyshma, personal | none | 1978 | Paid |
4 | | Упорова Лилия | Verhnjaja pyshma, personal | none | 1972 | Paid |
Ж 50+ (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Горбунова Татьяна | Nizhnij tagil, personal | III | 1961 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Назмиева Елена | Ekaterinburg, personal | III | 1964 | Paid |
Ж ДО 6 (1КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Маркова Евгения | Prigorodnyj rajon, personal | none | 2016 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Несмелова Милана | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 2013 | Paid |
3 | | Распопова Ксения | Verhnjaja salda, personal | none | 2013 | Paid |
4 | | Саломатина Александра | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2016 | Paid |
Ж ДО 18 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Балмасова Анастасия | ДЮСШ Старт | III | 2006 | Paid |
2 | | Богатова Дарья | Nizhnij tagil, personal | II | 2003 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Волкова Анна | Nizhnjaja salda, personal | none | 2002 | Payment waiting |
4 | | Доля Наталья | Verhnjaja salda, personal | none | 2002 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Коновалова Виктория | ДЮСШ Старт | I | 2005 | Paid |
6 | | Мордяшова Софья | Nizhnij tagil, personal | II | 2004 | Pay on the spot |
М 7-9 (1КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Запащиков Михаил | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Клюкин Леонид | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Митроченков Георгий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2012 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Митряев Матвей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Романов Ян | Serov, personal | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Тарасов Ярослав | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Томилин Кирилл | JoyRun | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Холодов Тимофей | Nizhnjaja salda, personal | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Шайморданов Степан | Magnit | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Шаповал Тимофей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2011 | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Шмаков Роман | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2010 | Pay on the spot |
М 10-12 (1КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Ишутин Павел | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Кайгородов Семён | СШ "Юность" | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Кошелев Артем | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2008 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Кутергин Вадим | СШ "Юность" | III | 2007 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Лузгин Иван | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Митроченков Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Распопов Никита | Verhnjaja salda, personal | none | 2007 | Paid |
8 | | Скупкин Леонид Леонид | ДЮСШ Старт | none | 2007 | Payment waiting |
9 | | Стекачев Владимир | Nizhnij tagil | none | 2007 | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Томилин Артём | JoyRun | none | 2009 | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Томилин Степан | Nizhnij tagil, personal | III | 2008 | Paid |
12 | | Шутилов Артём | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2009 | Paid |
М 18-29 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Богатырев Николай | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1995 | Paid |
2 | | Гущин Александр | Serov, personal | none | 1995 | Paid |
3 | | Домнин Данил | ООО"ЭТАЖИ" Нижний Тагил | none | 1992 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Земзюлин Юрий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1999 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Муравьев Никита | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1990 | Paid |
6 | | Никитченко Александр | СШ "Юность" | none | 1992 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Полшков Алексей | Kushva, personal | none | 1992 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Растрепенин Михаил | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1990 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Ситников Дмитрий | ДЮСШ Старт | КМС | 1997 | Paid |
10 | | Устинов Антон | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 1995 | Paid |
М 30-39 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Байдерин Николай | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 1982 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Батухтин Дмитрий | Akadem | none | 1980 | Paid |
3 | | Бренинг Евгений | Krasnoturjinsk, personal | КМС | 1980 | Paid |
4 | | Вазиров Илдар | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
5 | | Васильев Антон | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1982 | Paid |
6 | | Воронов Артем | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1984 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Дербилов Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1985 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Донченко Владимир | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1982 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Ермаков Алексей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
10 | | Запащиков Сергей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1984 | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Зырянов Алексей | Slobodo turinskij rajon, personal | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
12 | | Ипполитов Анатолий | Magnit | none | 1985 | Pay on the spot |
13 | | Ишутин Евгений | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1985 | Pay on the spot |
14 | | Каратаев Сергей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1980 | Payment waiting |
15 | | Косарев Антон | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
16 | | Кошелев Евгений | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1980 | Pay on the spot |
17 | | Лузгин Роман | Tkachuk Team | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
18 | | Мовчан Евгений | Verhnjaja salda, personal | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
19 | | Парфиевич Сергей | Magnit | none | 1987 | Pay on the spot |
20 | | Редькин Антон | Magnit | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
21 | | Родинский Андрей | Егерь-Мастер | none | 1980 | Pay on the spot |
22 | | Савин Олег | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1988 | Pay on the spot |
23 | | Саратов Сергей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1988 | Paid |
24 | | Сидоров Дмитрий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1989 | Pay on the spot |
25 | | Тютерев Анатолий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | II | 1985 | Pay on the spot |
26 | | Хоменко Денис | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1986 | Pay on the spot |
27 | | Шкребень Максим | ООО"ЭТАЖИ" Нижний Тагил | none | 1982 | Pay on the spot |
28 | | Шмаков Юрий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1981 | Pay on the spot |
М 40-49 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Багин Вадим | Nizhnij tagil, personal | III | 1970 | Paid |
2 | | Блинов Лев | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1978 | Pay on the spot |
3 | | Вылегжанин Евгений | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1979 | Pay on the spot |
4 | | Голышкин Алексей | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1975 | Paid |
5 | | Гребенщиков Владимир | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1977 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Гузнаев Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1979 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Криницын Дмитрий | Russia, personal | none | 1974 | Paid |
8 | | Мезенцев Сергей | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 1976 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Наймушин Евгений | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1975 | Paid |
10 | | Рябинин Максим | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1978 | Paid |
11 | | Саламатов Леонид | Ekaterinburg, personal | none | 1970 | Paid |
12 | | Татауров Геннадий | Prigorodnyj rajon, personal | none | 1971 | Paid |
13 | | Томилин Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | I | 1972 | Paid |
14 | | Уткин Владимир | Nizhnij tagil, personal | Iю | 1972 | Pay on the spot |
15 | | Шайморданов Станислав | Magnit | none | 1972 | Pay on the spot |
16 | | Шайморданов Степан | Magnit | none | 1972 | Payment waiting |
М 50+ (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Бахтерев Игорь | Sverdlovskaja oblast, personal | КМС | 1963 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Быков Алексей | Russia, personal | none | 1969 | Paid |
3 | | Дегтярёв Юрий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1963 | Paid |
4 | | Ершов Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1958 | Paid |
5 | | Иноземцев Леонид | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1960 | Paid |
6 | | Казак Дмитрий | Magnit | none | 1968 | Pay on the spot |
7 | | Константинов Валерий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 1963 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Кузнецов Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | I | 1962 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Маркин Валерий | ДЮСШ Старт | none | 1948 | Paid |
10 | | Саяров Ришат | Nizhnij tagil, personal | III | 1961 | Pay on the spot |
11 | | Чирков Сергей | Ekaterinburg, personal | II | 1965 | Paid |
М ДО 6 (1КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Ермаков Дмитрий | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2013 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Шаповал Михаил | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2015 | Pay on the spot |
М ДО 18 (12КМ) |
SeqNum | | Full Name | Club | Qual | Year | Status |
1 | | Арефин Егор | Вольный ветер | none | 2002 | Pay on the spot |
2 | | Григорьев Иван | Russia, personal | none | 2003 | Paid |
3 | | Ляпцев Антон | ДЮСШ Старт | III | 2005 | Paid |
4 | | Осипов Андрей | ДЮСШ Старт | III | 2005 | Paid |
5 | | Попов Роман | Nizhnij tagil, personal | none | 2005 | Pay on the spot |
6 | | Старков Александр | Nizhnij tagil, personal | I | 2004 | Paid |
7 | | Черепанов Максим | Nizhnij tagil, personal | III | 2002 | Pay on the spot |
8 | | Шалашенков Василий | УралГУФК | none | 2002 | Pay on the spot |
9 | | Шекуров Роман | Nizhnij tagil, personal | I | 2005 | Paid |